Thursday, October 18, 2007

this is my story... part 3

continued from "this is my story... part 2"...

yeah, so for some reason, the boy didn't go COS anymore. cannot remember was it because he changed church. well, i don't think so la, but cannot remember the reason. well, let's continue with the story...

one fine afternoon, while the boy was walking to the bedok mrt from the interchange, or was it walking from mrt to interchange?? oh nvm, ya so when he was walking, a guy approached him and asked if he could help to fill out a survey. the boy, being such a nice person, didn't turn him down. it turns out the guy was trying to do street evangelism, and he was from City Harvest Church. yeah so the boy filled the survey, and told the guy that he's a Christian too. a few days later, the guy called the boy to invite him to City Harvest, and the boy agreed.

so the boy went to City Harvest, and stayed there for a while. the culture and environment was pretty different. it was a very big congregation, and the worship was very dynamic, then to be boy, a little like some concert la. well, he's still a little boy who didn't really know what was going on. haha.. however, the culture did influence him very much. he became very enthusiastic about inviting his classmates to attend the services at CHC. he would take out his class contact list every friday night and start calling all his classmates. yeah.. i think all.. if not, at least 95% of them. he called them every week. yeah, that's how irritating persistent he was. there were a few other Christians in the class, and eventually a couple agreed to go together. cannot remember if they accepted Christ or not la. but but, there was another who went with the boy. that fella wasn't so popular in the class la, so maybe that's why he went when the boy invited him so many times. haha.. and praise the Lord, he accepted Christ!! whee~~ yeah so the two of them went service and cell together for some time.

the boy was very very enthu and on fire in inviting friends and in tithing. that time CHC was raising funds to build its own church building, and the boy pledged $500 to be given in about six months!! wow!! he was only a sec two boy leh!! he must have gone crazy. though that time he was working part-time at macdonalds(why he was working at mac, was for some other reason la, but it will not be revealed here), it was still a great sum of money!! that was the extent how on fire he was for the Lord.

but then, though he was so on fire, he wasn't interested in reading the Bible. i suppose that sorta caused him to backslide. after about five to six months, he kinda grew tired. he was trying to give his best, inviting friends and all, but it seems to be unfruitful. he expected more, but failed to see his expectations met. so he grew tired and drained, and started to get lazy and didn't want to go to church and cell anymore..

*to be continued...*


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