Monday, October 08, 2007

this is my story... part 2

continued from "this is my story..."...

it seems that church isn't a very interesting place to the boy then. other than having the chance to see Moses Lim, nothing else interested him. lol. and his parents didn't force him to go church also, so he didn't go church until...

*three years later*

the boy is now a sec two kid in AHS. at the start of the year, for some reason unknown that he himself cannot remember, he started attending Church of Singapore, at marine parade. his bro has already been attending church, at FCBC at the time. cannot remember. since young the boy is told that when filling up those forms, when it comes to the field "Religion", write Christianity. so while growing up and finding his identity, he identified himself as a Christian, though not really knowing what that means. that time his bro had some friends who were Christians also, and they had weekly gatherings in school. brother invited the kid, and i think from there got to know one of the friends, Shu Fang, who went to Church of Singapore. ya i think that's how come the boy went there. the people there are very nice, and think the first time the boy went there to join the youth gathering, got alter call for those who want to invite Jesus into their lives as their Saviour. so the boy eagerly put up his hand, and since then he became a real Christian.

He joined cell and the youth gatherings for a while, but after a few months, stopped going, for reasons i cannot remember. he remembers very clearly, that there was once when there was another new believer, think his name was David(wa, David and Jonathan together wor..). cannot remember. ya, so the two of us and Shu Fang were in a room, then we were just talking, when Shu Fang asked us a question.

"Do you think you will go heaven after you die?"

"Erm.. Don't know leh.." (both of us)

"I tell you, you must have faith that you will go to heaven. You will go to heaven!!"

ya, that memory was etched deeply in the boy's heart. it was only after that he really understood what that meant la. the first lesson about faith. haha. thanks, Shu Fang. the boy remembers another guy called Enoch. think he's the cell leader or something. very nice guy. at that time the boy thought the name was pretty cool, not knowing it's actually the name of a person in the Bible. lol.

that time, the boy's mum attended COS's service also, so they went to church together. how nice. and the boy saw his teacher at the church too. lol. Mrs Mary Chan, his Home Economics teacher. oh oh, then the first time the boy went to the youth gathering, he was given a hand-made welcome card also. it warmed his heart. the card was very nicely made, with the edges of the card burnt to look special. he still keeps the card to this day. yeah... somewhere... he must have kept it la. he always likes to keep such meaningful cards one. it's gotta be somewhere in a box where he keeps all those memorable items. he just has to dig for the box, among the mountains of stuff at home.

yeah, those were the deepest memories of his few months stint at COS...afterwhich...

*to be continued...*


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