Wednesday, October 03, 2007

this is my story...

by popular demand, i shall pen down my story of knowing the one and only God!! if you were a faithful reader of my blog, you'd have noticed that when i say popular demand, that demand = 1 person. lol! see i'm so gd. all my readers are so valued by me, all your requests shall be answered!! wahaha.. ok.. not all. =P

well well, where should i start?? ok here goes... many years ago, on an afternoon at around 1220hrs(i think so, or was it midnight 0020hrs?) at Mt. Elizabeth hospital, by the power of His, a baby boy was born!! that fateful memorable day of 20th June, 1984, a dark, tiny, scrawny crybaby cute, adorable, chubby little baby appeared on the surface of the earth!! the little baby...

*ten years later*

the little baby grew into a smart little boy, who's pretty sickly also. and his mum always prayed for the little boy when he fell sick, putting her hands on the boy while she prayed for his recovery. she liked to tell him of the stories in the Bible, though he could not recall any of it. -_-" ok maybe he wasn't that smart after all. all he could remember was that his mum bought him those comic-like books that illustrated the stories, and he remembered the time when he spent the night at his parent's room watching The Ten Commandments together. so this little boy grew up in a Christian family, but he dreaded going to church. he remembers going to St. Andrew's Cathedral at City Hall with his parents and brother, and seeing Moses Lim. lol. that was the greatest memory of going to church during his younger days. he went to join in the Sunday school with other kids, and after that when he went home, he told his parents he didn't want to go church again. o_O

*to be continued...*


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