Thursday, August 14, 2008

the parable's lesson..

sorry to have kept you all waiting for the answer to the parable, what the author is wanting to say. the author was talking bout people changing churches, bout how some keep changing churches, cos they always run into problems with the church they attend. so what really is the problem? sometimes it is the attitude of the person him/herself. so no matter where he/she goes, with a critical attitude, he/she always finds problems. another thing is, when we are offended by the previous church we go to. the author says, "When we retain an offense in our hearts, we filter everything through it." the way we leave church, is the way we enter another. so if we leave with a bitter heart, we enter into another church with that bitterness.

many times, we hear of people leaving church, changing church, cos they are hurt by their previous church. they left, but without resolving the issues that caused them to leave. if we're unable to leave with a peaceful heart, then it probably means that we should not leave yet, cos there are things not settled yet. this not only applies to attending church. it can apply to our jobs, our relationships too. if you're not at peace at leaving your church, your job, a relationship, could it be that there is something you have not resolved, or you are not sure yet? i believe very strongly that in whatever we do, peace is very important. it's something like an acknowledgement from the Holy Spirit, who also works through our conscience. if we feel bad about doing something, feel guilty about something we did, we probably did the wrong thing. if someone does the wrong things, yet don't feel any guilt, hmmm.. then i think that person is quite hopeless. his spirit is dead and dead. but what do we do with the feelings of guilt? it's telling us to go and correct the wrong we have done. stop doing the wrong things, and start doing the right things, or to remedy whatever wrong you did. like, when we tell a lie, we sin, and we don't feel good bout telling the lie. what to do then? first, we gotta stop telling the lie, and then tell those you lied that you lied to them and are in the wrong. those who love you, will forgive you. that's how it is with Jesus! and He forgives everytime, cos He loves us so so so much. :)

woah, ok, i kinda strayed pretty far away from the parable. lol. but i just wanted to share this out. man, these few days have been hard. very hard. remember the post i had on the Refiner's fire? man, it's really burning. and, like the author, for the first time in my life, i felt so much anger in me a couple of days back. i felt like i could kill a person. so much anger. i was offended. very much offended. it's the closest who can hurt the most, like how King David portrays in Psalms 55:12-14, "For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; then I could bear it. Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me; then I could hide from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walked to the house of God in the throng." i felt so offended. never have i felt such intense anger, bitterness, disappointment, hurt, unforgiveness. but really, do i have the right to be angry? do i have the right to bear grudge? i don't. i don't have the right to. who are they to have to think how i will feel? they are not obligated to do so right? so what rights do i have to demand such from them? even if i had the rights to be offended, can i? Jesus had all rights to be offended right? betrayed by His closest friends, His own disciples, almost everyone forsaked Him at His hour of need. but Jesus wasn't offended. He forgave them, just as He forgave me. He forgave me so much, and He forgave them too, so what am i not to forgive? if i don't, i'll be like the unmerciful servant, who, being forgiven of a debt of ten thousand talents(millions of dollars), refused to forgive another's debt of a hundred denarii(a few dollars). [Matthew 18:21-35] i don't want any unforgiveness to come between me and God, or anyone. i want to learn to love unconditionally, like Jesus. agape love.

Lord, as the unpure gold is thrown into the fire, so is my life. The impurities are showing up. I don't want to remain angry. I see this dross of sin as what it is, and I repent. Forgive me Lord, for harbouring any bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, even if it is only for a second. Take Your ladle and remove the impurities in my life. Teach me to love like You do. Teach me agape love. Thank You Father. And I'm so thankful and grateful for those who cared for me, who love me, encourage me. And there are so many. May You bless them greatly Lord, in everything they do, in their spiritual walk with You. I thank You for these brothers and sisters who have been a blessing to me.

I thank You for my brother, who really understands what I am going through, and giving me advice; my mum, though did not say much, and probably didn't know how to console me, but I know how much she loves me; lingling, who always stood by me and is always there to listen and pray for me, who has helped me so so so so so much; cuixian jie, who is like a mother to me, always trying to cheer me up and help me even though she is so busy; pastor, who i guess really knows my character well, and willing to take time to talk to me; zhuguo ge, who trusts in me so much, accepts me for who I am, sharing his thoughts and experiences with me, edifying me; chek, who's a true brother, willing to be there, comfort me, console me; jinhao, who's always so concerned about me; keith and jasmyn, for being there, listening to me, cheering me up; weicong, who believes in me, that I can definitely go through this, and encouraging me; qiqin, who's willing to pray for me, encourage me, and believing in me too, even when I did not tell her what happened; eunice, who shown care and concern for me even though she hasn't even met me before, don't know me well; iris, who encouraged me and reminded me of Your provision in times of trials; michelle, who probably is worried bout me seeing me the way I am, but probably don't know how to help me. Lord, I thank You so much for all of them, and much more. Those who are silently praying for me. Lord I know they love me so much, and wish to see me stand up once again. From You, and from them I draw strength. I know I can do it, by Your grace, Your love, and their love. Thank You Father, for placing such wonderful people in my life. What more can I ask for? I'm such a blessed man! Forgive me for holding on to the wrong things, forgetting the blessings You have showered on me. Thank You. You are so good. Your love is just so marvellous and so wonderful! THANK YOU JESUS!!


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