Happy Birthday Bro!
today's my bro's birthday! ya my real bro. haha. actually today's my another friend's birthday too - xiongwei. haven't seen him in a super long time. haven't seen my bro for a long time too. since monday! haha.. guess he must be having a good time at genting and KL. lol. thank God for putting such a great brother in my life. the both of us are similar in many ways, especially character. haha.. i guess, both inherit from dad one. lol. and in that, i think he really understands me, and he's gone through more things than me. i guess, in a way ah, what he sees me go through, basically just similar to what he went through lo. haha.. so he always can relate to what i go through, and encourage me. thanks bro! let's work hard together ya! heeh. :D
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