Wednesday, June 18, 2008

a story of luggages

there was a man, who was very fond of luggages. he felt that luggages were very good to have, as they are big, and can store all the things that he needs, thereby meeting his needs.

throughout his life, he has seen many luggages, of which, up till now, only 4 did he set his eyes upon. each of the luggages, he loved very much, but the first two, he never got to buy them. the salesman, did not want to sell them to the man. the third one, he loved very much as well. he kept waiting and waiting for a good time to buy the luggage. it was a very good luggage indeed. in fact, it probably was the best he has ever seen thus far. however, in the course of waiting, the man saw another luggage - the fourth luggage. this luggage wasn't very ready for use yet, and required lots of repairs, but the man liked it a lot. he knew that it required lots of repairs, but he saw that it had the potential to meet all his needs. he then decided to buy the luggage and stop waiting for the best opportunity to buy the third luggage. he was prepared to put in the time and effort to try to repair the luggage, and that in due time, it will be the perfect luggage for him. he proceeded to buy the luggage. the salesman didn't reject the offer, and the man got the luggage. the man didn't want to buy a wrong one, so he asked the original manufacturer if there was a guarantee. the original manufacturer replied that yeah there is a guarantee! guarantee that this luggage was the one meant for the man! happily, the man bought the luggage and started to repair it bit by bit. he was very confident of the guarantee that the original manufacturer had given him. the man spent all his efforts trying to repair the luggage, believing very strongly that the luggage was the one meant for him.

however, in due time, despite all the efforts of the man trying to repair the luggage, it seemed that he was getting nowhere. probably he wasn't equipped well enough with the knowledge to do the repairs himself. the luggage fell apart. the man was overwhelmed. he didn't understand why it happened. what did he do wrong? he just wanted to help to repair the luggage. he asked the original manufacturer, why did it happen? wasn't it supposed to be a guarantee? a guarantee that the luggage was meant for him? then how come it fell apart in his hands? the man questioned the validity of the guarantee, but he had total trust in the original manufacturer. he didn't believe that the original manufacturer will lie to him. it then came upon the man that, when he bought the luggage, he already knew that it required lots of repairs. he thought he was capable of performing the repairs, but as things turned out, he was wrong. he knew he had to return the piece of luggage to the original manufacturer for repairs. only the original manufacturer knew how to perform the repairs. the man thought, perhaps he bought the luggage too early.

feeling very dejected over the loss of the luggage, the man still continued to trust in the guarantee that the original manufacturer gave him. he believes that in due time, the original manufacturer will return the completed and perfect luggage back to him. how long, though, he didn't know. the man was tempted to go look around for other luggages, but it seemed no other luggages met his liking. he also knew that it probably isn't the time to be looking around for other luggages at that point of time. the man's friend reminded him of the things he had to do, and that he already has a laptop, a haversack to meet most of his needs.

moving on, the man continued to do what he has to do - his work and stuff. however, he was constantly thinking about the luggage. he misses the luggage very much. how long will he have to wait? or maybe, one day, the original manufacturer will give him another luggage, an even better one that suits him perfectly? he is so tired of waiting again. sometimes he wishes that his fondness of the luggage will just go away. whatever it is, there isn't much the man can do, except to wait, whether is it the piece of luggage that he's waiting for, or another piece that the original manufacturer has for him.

so moving on the man did, and waiting, and thinking of the luggage from time to time. he believes that the piece of luggage is in proper care under the hands of the original manufacturer. he can only believe in the original manufacturer, that in due time, the original manufacturer will provide the most suitable piece of luggage.


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