tired and dun feel like doing anything constructive..
the flu is really affecting me. i'm always feeling so tired. tired to the point i dun really feel like doing anything that requires thinking... so that means i'm putting aside all my projects... for the moment... cannot afford to put them away for too long. i've only got 3 weeks left to finish 4 projects!!! and a couple of them is like...still long way to go!! ahh... i'm feeling to sick to do much at the moment...so while blog-hopping around, i tot since i'm bored, might as well do a test, which shows that i'm a...
See what Care Bear you are.
yeah i'm a good luck bear. i'm impulsive? i just believe that God will make things work out. yeah i do put a lot of trust in faith..in God!! haha.. then ah fu got this link for more info on care-bears, so i checked it out too. it says...
Good Luck Bear is happy and self-confident - yeah i'm happy-go-lucky type, self-confident?? sometimes ba. haha..
He can make broken machines work with a snap of his fingers - erm... well, people do look for me to try to salvage their computers... that counts too? lol.
His best friend is funshine bear - lazy to check out how'z funshine bear like.
His relationship challenge is Cheer Bear. for some reason, his good luck doesn't work when she's around -geez... it's true!?!? no comments.

yeah i'm a good luck bear. i'm impulsive? i just believe that God will make things work out. yeah i do put a lot of trust in faith..in God!! haha.. then ah fu got this link for more info on care-bears, so i checked it out too. it says...
Good Luck Bear is happy and self-confident - yeah i'm happy-go-lucky type, self-confident?? sometimes ba. haha..
He can make broken machines work with a snap of his fingers - erm... well, people do look for me to try to salvage their computers... that counts too? lol.
His best friend is funshine bear - lazy to check out how'z funshine bear like.
His relationship challenge is Cheer Bear. for some reason, his good luck doesn't work when she's around -
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