Friday, December 30, 2005


meta-morphosis 2005 has ended. if u duno, it's a Christian conference organised by Campus Crusade for Christ. the 3-day 2-night camp/conference has been quite fun, and i've learnt some new stuff during the conferences. hmm... not used to singing praise n worship songs in english. haha.. made some new friends too.

u know, it's great knowing that there are many people out there who shares the same faith in God as i do, and it's really great being able to fellowship together, praise and worship the Lord together.. how i enjoy the fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ. Praise the Lord!!

during the conference i was made known the impact of the book by Dan Brown, The Da VinCi Code. yeah i've heard of it before, but didnt really know what the book was about. it was during the conference that i found out it actually says that Jesus is just a mere human!! and He married Mary Magdelene and even had a child with her!! Blasphemy!!!! but it's saddening to know that there are fellow Christians out there whose faith in God has wavered due to these false claims, and some have even stopped their walk with God. The movie of the book is coming out in May 2006, and many of us believe that this is a time of trial for us Christians.

Brothers and sisters, let us prepare ourselves for this. our faith in Jesus will be put to test. this is the time when we stand up for what we believe in. this is the opportunity for us to bravely proclaim that Jesus is the Lord and our Saviour!! let us equip ourselves with the Truth of the Word, that we may know how to rebuke the false claims of The Da VinCi Code. i pray that in these times of darkness, may the light of the Truth cast out the evil and darkness, and God's glory and honour be restored...

"...whose minds the god of this age[Satan] has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them." -- 2 Cor 4:4


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Jonnie Proskuneo: meta-morphosis!!
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