Monday, May 30, 2005


i'm very fascinated by star wars u know. it's like a whole world by itself, so many things going on in the whole star wars thing. i'm always very interested in such BIG movie series, which has alot of intricate details, BIG stories, like star wars, matrix, etc. it seems there is always something hidden in the story, and i always like to think about it.

k the topic for today is Jedi. sometimes i just think that the jedi are somewhat like us christians. diciplined life and all those. it's as tough being a christian as being a jedi u know. there's always the lure of the dark side. for the jedi is the lure of the dark side powers. for christians, there's always the lure of worldly desires. it's really hard at times, u know, money n stuff. hard to let go.

Jedi are also selfless beings who use the Force for peace n good. Christians are also taught to be selfless n love everyone as they love themselves. this is damn hard. how are u going to love someone who u just simply detest at the sight of? how are u going to love someone who is always plotting against u? well, i'm still learning.

Jedi listen to the Force, listening to what the Force tells them. Christians listen to God. Jedi have the Jedi code. Christians have the ten commandments.

ok i forgot what else i wanna write. had quite alot of other things on my mind earlier. mebbe i'm just too into star wars.

i wanna be a jedi?

i am a christian.


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Jonnie Proskuneo: Jedi
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