Tuesday, May 31, 2005

1st day of work

yup i found a job intro-ed to me by huili, but i got into another team cos the manager from the team pulled me over thinking that i looked 'fun'. oh i'm working at escape theme park, by the way. convenient for me cos i stay at pasir ris, and downtown east is within walking distance from home. the pay isnt very much though...just $4.50 only, but still, better than nothing. hard to find a temp job.

i was posted to the 'haunted house'. tatz one of the attractions over there, though it's not ready yet. hopefully it's gonna be ready by end of the week(tatz wat my sup told me). i'm one of the ghosts monster there. i'm the zombie la. my manager got use his phone to take photo of me in the costume, but i didnt get it. mebbe if i can get hold of the photo i'll post it up here. or if u are keen to see me in the costume, u can always BUY a ticket into escape and goto the haunted house to see me in action. hahaha...

anyway on yesterday's topic on Jedi, do u know that there is actually a religion called Jedi? it's founded by some star wars fanatics. i forgot which country is it, but the government actually recognises it as an official religion. but of course, they only follow the code of conduct of the Jedi. they cant use lightsabres. they have no control of the Force. they are not Force-sensitive at all. mebbe thatz cos they have not found any counts of midichlorians in their blood. wat are midichlorians u ask? obviously u have not been watching star wars. midichlorians are microscopic organisms in the blood that connects pple to the Force. it's the midichlorians tat tell the Force-sensitive pple what the Force is telling them.

oh...i can hear them! the Force is telling YOU to watch star wars!


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Jonnie Proskuneo: 1st day of work
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